Frequently asked questions.
Do you accept my insurance?
Equilibrium is an out of network provider. If you have out of network benefits, you will receive reimbursement after your deductible has been met. Our administrative team will be able to verify your benefits and explain the out of pockets costs associated with your care. Our administrative team will file your claim to insurance on your behalf. Please contact us to verify your benefits for the desired service.
Why is Equilibrium out of network?
We want to provide the highest quality of care with as much autonomy as possible with your functional goals in mind. In order to stay true to our treatment philosophy, our sessions are one hour, guided entirely by the treating clinician without being passed off to unlicensed trainers, aides, and unsupervised care/exercise. With this time, we can focus on patient education, dive into ongoing evaluation/treatment and individualize the plan of care. We know that with the attention to detail and quality of care, we will get faster results over less volume/frequency of visits.
How much will my evaluation/treatment cost?
Upon verifying benefit information, we will be able to provide estimated co-insurance payment and expected out of pocket costs. We are fully transparent before the initial visit to ensure agreement of financial responsibilities. If you do not have out of network benefits, we have an EQ direct payment plan that will match your treatment plan.
Do I need a prescription for services at EQ?
NJ is a direct access state for Physical Therapy services and does not require a prescription from a physician to commence treatment.
What should I expect at my first appointment?
We want to know your story. We go through a very thorough history, asking questions that will help paint a picture to better understand the inception/source of your current situation. It will be followed by a comprehensive physical examination, treatment, and home program.
What should I bring to my first visit?
Please arrive 15 minutes before your initial visit with the following: your insurance card, photo ID, complete registration form (if possible), recent imaging, relevant records, and prescription list. Please wear loose clothing that will allow access to the areas of complaints/pain.
What conditions do you treat?
Please see our conditions we treat for a list of common diagnoses/conditions we address. If your diagnosis is not listed and/or you are unsure due to the complex nature of your current condition, we encourage speaking with one of our qualified clinicians for a free 15-minute phone consultation. Please contact us to set up a consult.